Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sacred Shankha ( Conch Shell )

The conch shell is a major Hindu article of prayer, used as a trumpet and in order to get rid of negative energy and evil spirits. It is also used as a container for holy water ( shankha teertham ). The shankha (conch shell) mudra is also used during various tantric rituals and meditation. "Shankha" is considered to be one of the most auspicious objects that emerged from the sea during the Ksheera Sagara Samudra Manthan.

Religious Significance

In Indian mythology, the Shankha is regarded sacred and very auspicious. To initiate religious ceremonies, a shankha (conch shell) is blown. It is a major Hindu article of prayer. God Vishnu, the God of Preservation, is shown with a shankha in one hand and a disc or a chakra in the other.

Each hindu shankha has a specific name. Vishnu's shankha is called "Panchajanya" . It is believed that when it is blown, it announces the victory of good over evil. In the epic war, Mahabharata, the conch shell held a significant place. Arjuna's shankha was called "Devdutta" , Bhima's "Paundra", Yudhisthira's "Anantavijaya", Nakula's "Sughosa" and Sahadeva's was known as "Manipushpaka".

The sacred conch shell is an integral part of Hindu symbolic and religious tradition. Even today, all Hindus use the conch as a part of their religious practices. Whenever the conch shell is blown, it is said to purify the environment from all evil effects.

Scientific significance

Leaving aside the mythology part, the conch shell's significance can also be corroborated by science. If you try holding a shankha near your ear, the sound of the gently humming ocean can be heard. This is actually the natural vibration or cosmic energy of the Earth which gets magnified on entering the conch shell.

The vibrations from these conch shells can overpower evil forces from the Earth and at the same time also clear environmental pollution including healing the hole in the ozone layer which causes global warming. According to science, the blowing of a conch shell enhances the positive psychological vibrations such as courage, determination, hope, optimism, willpower, etc. in the blower as well as those around him. Following type of Shankhas are considered very sacred and pure in Hinduism :-

Dakshinavarti Shankha
The shankhas that open towards the right hand are called Dakshinavarti Shankhas. These shahkhas are rare and are available in white color with brown lines on them that run towards the right or South. Lord Kuber (God of wealth) resides in South and so this shankha represents wealth and prosperity. The sizes differ and can be from the size of a wheat grain to as large as a coconut. Dakshinavarti type of shankhas come from deep seas and are very rare.

Dakshinavarti shankha is considered very auspicious when kept at any sacred place or the place of worship or the locker in the house. It should be kept after being wrapped in a white cloth. This shankha is said to bring good luck and prosperity to the individual and his family.

This Shankha is the symbol of Goddess Lakshmi. It is said that she removes sorrows and gives intelligence, success, and worldly freedom. Traditionally, a Dakshinavarti shankha is similar in its piousness from the earthly incarnation of Vishnu or Lakshmi themselves and the blessings of Lakshmi literally flow out of the remaining shell on their own. Dakshinavarti shankhas not only bring wealth but also purify the atmosphere. All the negatives energies are swept out of the place.

Vamavarti Shankha

The shankhas that open towards left hand are Vaamavarti Shankhas. These are the most commonly available shankhas and used for all religious purposes. In fact, most of the conches are Vaamvarti, that is, their bulge opens towards left side (facing North).

The special geometry of a natural shankha creates a positive energy field and so they are used as Yantras. Some astrologers also recommend the types of shankha and the location where these are to be placed to control negative planetary effects. Different methods of worshipping the shankhas are also described in the Indian scriptures for benefits varying from wealth, success and peace of mind to health, healing and hypnotism.

The blowing of a Vaamavarti shankha removes the ill effects of negative energies and it purifies our surroundings and soul.
Gaumukhi Shankha
Gaumukhi means face of cow.This Shankha resembles face of Cow.Cow is considered very sacred in Hinduism and so is this shankha.Keeping this shankha in temple/pooja place gives all the benefits (punya) of keeping a cow. It helps in bringing peace, harmony and happiness.A must to have Shankha for every Altar. 

Ganesha Shankha
Ganesha shankha is another precious and largely worshiped shankha. This shankha represents Lord Ganesha and is worshipped to remove obstacles, for learning, for success, for luck and prosperity to family. This shankha is considered a very auspicious item for protection from evil effects and is to get good luck and prosperity to family.

Ganesha shankha is best when kept in the Pooja Ghar (place of worship) daily or on all auspicious occasions and during religious festivals. It can also be kept in the locker of the house so that the family never faces any dearth of money. However it should be kept on red cloth in the worship room or wrapped in red cloth if kept in a locker.

Ganesha is revered as the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Ganesha is the first to be worshipped and invoked in Vedic worship rituals. He is always worshipped for siddhi (absolute success in undertakings), and buddhi (intelligence). He is considered to be the deity of education, knowledge, wisdom and literature.

Ganesha shankha is a very rare item and hence considered very lucky. Every house should have Ganesha Shankha to protect it from evil effects, to get wealth and prosperity. It is said that Ganesha Shankha increases the strength of character, mind, enhances confidence and helps in achieving happiness, fame and good health. If Ganesha Shankha is used in daily worship, there can be no doubt that the worshipper of this conch shell is blessed with healthy and long life of nobility, wisdom, scholarship, entrepreneurship, foresight and resourcefulness. From Feng Shui's point of view, this conch attracts business luck from overseas and augments the chances of travelling abroad. 

Kauri Shankha
Kauri Shankha is a very rare shankha which when kept in your house can bring all luck and prosperity.It is said since ancient times that the possession of Kauris is considered to bring wealth and all round prosperity. That is the reason why it was a part of the marriage attire of the brides. Kauri is a rare sacred product found in the ocean. As per Hindu mythology, "Kauri" was obtained from "Samudra Manthan" along with "Lakshmi" and other rare divine and holy products. From a very ancient time "Kauri" was used as the currency and then was used in the ornaments and also used as the key of gambling. As per Hindu Shastras, "Kauri" is said to be the loving product of "Maha Lakshmi". It is also related to Lord Shiva because the hairs of Lord Shiva are similar to "Kauri". Indians also use "Kauri" to decorate Nandi, the devotee of Lord Shiva. It is also said to be a great tool to save the children from devil effects. Kauri Shankha is more powerful than kauris because it is a shankha plus a Kauri. This shankha is usually kept in the cash box for financial prosperity and to protect the owner from a financial debacles. Whoever keeps a "Kauri Shankha" during the prayer of "Goddess Lakshmi", gets blessings and gains success, prosperity, wealth and fame in life. 

Moti Shankha
These shankhas shine like a pearl, very rare and difficult to find. These shankhas have the luster of a pearl and is generally round in shape. This is a precious variety of shankha and available in all big and small sizes. Keeping this shankha in house is considered to be very auspicious and it gives peace of mind. This kind of shankha is very rare in the sense that studies have shown that 1 in 15,000 conchs or shankhas will produce a pearl shankha but only 1/10th of those will be a good pearl conch. Whether a man blows any conch either small or big, it makes no difference. The influence of the conch or shankha never lessens. Everyone is aware of the fact that the right handed conch gives wealth and prosperity. It is to be noted that the shankha serves its worshipper for progressing financially but it does not fulfill any human passion. 

Heera Shankha
Heera Shankha is also called Pahadi Shankha ( conch from mountains ). It used in worship of Goddess Lakshmi, especially by the tantriks. It opens like the Dakshinavarti. It is found in the mountains and has sparkling crystal like substance in the opening and sometimes on the shell also. Its dull from outer crust but Its inner portion shines like diamonds.Being rare,its very costly.
Composed by :- Amit uniyal

Sacred Metals of Hindus

Metals are used to make idols, jewellary, dresses for gods and other accessories.Hindus consider following metals very sacred and auspicious:-


Gold-  A yellow precious metal which is valued for its beauty and purity since it does not oxidize or tarnish like most other metals. It has been used for coins and jewelry for over 6000 years and from this has become regarded as a symbol of wealth. Gold is very ductile and is the most malleable of all metals. It can be cast into huge statues or beaten into wafer thin sheets of gold leaf. This malleability makes it too soft to be used in jewelry without being alloyed with other metals.Gold is considered very sacred by hindus for religious jewellery.People like to offer gold jewellery to idols of gods . The idol of lord Balaji at tirupati is an example of this.Gold expresses the splendour and radiance of Sun. It is the only metal that never tarnishes and resists the fiercest of fires. Gold is associated with riches, rule and truth. 

Silver -  Silver is ruled by the Moon also called Luna by alchemists. Silver is used for protection against magic. The symbolic meaning of the Moon is reaction and reflection. The Moon acts as a mirror reflecting the light from the Sun and a mirror is just glass with a thin layer of Silver. The Moon is associated with femininity, motherliness, cycles and changeable emotions and silver is used in rituals involving them. Silver neutralizes negativity and helps in dreams and intuition, psychic abilities. Silver is used for religious jewellery and accessories in bulk.
Copper - Copper is ruled by planet Venus and is mainly used for money and fertility. Venus has the lowest rotation rate and its character is passive, receptive, ready to adapt and kind. Copper has a great affinity to Venus because they share the same characteristics. Copper easily combines with other metals and it easily transfers warmth and electricity. Copper is used in rituals and spells used for promoting love, positive relationships, negotiations and peace. Copper yantras are favorite among Hindus.

Parad -  Parad is ruled by the planet Mercury and is known for its changing properties. In the Indian Mythology Parad is also known as "RASA" (liquid).It is mentioned in ancient Vedas that there is nothing pure and auspicious than Parad. Parad is the source of supreme energy, and energy is nothing but another form of element in the shape of waves and rays. Parad is highly sensitive and has magnificent magnetic powers. Parad is also very useful in controlling various diseases like High Blood Pressure, Asthma and increase the Sex Power. Parad has special significance in Ayurveda too. Parad benefits have be proved beneficial from Astrological as well as Scientific.Parad is believed to be originated from the sperms of Lord Shiva. So it is the most auspicious metal used for worship (Pooja) of Lord Shiva.Parad idols and Shivlinga are very popular among hindus.

Iron -  Iron is ruled by planet Saturn.Iron has been used since its discovery for making tools and weapons to help in his work and in his defense. Iron corresponds to mars because of the similar characteristics of building and conquering new worlds. Iron is used in rituals to promote energy, strength, determination, will power, aggression, power and courage. It is also used for fertility rituals. 

Tin -  Tin is ruled by the planet Jupiter and is used for meditation and relaxation, honor, wealth and wisdom. Jupiter is the largest planet of the solar system and it symbolises abundance, prosperity, growth and success. Tin is used in rituals promoting abundance, prosperity, success in business and in legal matters, stimulation, healing, regeneration and rejuvenation. 

Lead-  Lead is ruled by planet Rahu and is used for business and houses.Objects made out of lead are used for Lal kitab remedies. 

Brass - Brass is another metal that's considered sacred by Hindus. Idols,yantras and accessories made in brass are considered sacred as well as very pure.Brass is the most preferred metal when it comes to strength and reliability.Brass idols pass generations to generations without any problem. 

Ashtadhatu- Combination of all above mentioned metals together in any propotion is known as Ashtadhatu. Ashtadhatu means alloy of eight metals.Ashtadhatu idols are quite popular in India and considered very sacred and pure.

Composed by :- Amit uniyal

Sacred Rivers of india

Holy Rivers of India

In India, water has been an object of worship from time immemorial.  It has diverse socio-religious uses and plays a central role in many religious ceremonies and rites. The various rivers have different legends about their origins. The different sacred rivers of India are :-
River Ganga - The name of the Ganges is known all throughout the land of India. This river that runs for 1,560 miles from the Himalayas all the way to the Bay of Bengal is more than just flowing water. This river is life, purity, and a goddess to the people of India. The river is Ganga Ma, "Mother Ganges." Her name and her story is known all throughout the land. It is the story of how she poured herself down from heaven upon the ashes of King Sarga's sons. Her waters would raise them up again to dwell in peace in heaven. Not only that, but anyone who touches these purifying waters even today are said to be cleansed of all sins.
Every morning thousands of Hindus, whether pilgrims or residents, make their way into the holy water of the Ganges. All of them face the rising sun with folded hands mumering prayers.
River Saraswati - Saraswati is no longer in existence and is said to have originated from Saraswati-Rupin Glacier confluence at Naitwar in Uttaranchal. There are numerous references to the River Saraswati in the ancient and Vedic texts. Saraswati is also said to join the Ganga and Yamuna rivers at Prayag/Allahabad making it the holiest of all confluences that leads to salvation of human soul.

It is believed that Saraswati had three tributaries Sutlej, Drishadvati and Yamuna. They flowed together along a channel, presently known as the Ghaggar River. The river finally ended in the Arabian Sea through the Rann of Kutch. Saraswati was considered the seventh river of the Vedic Sapta Sindhu river system.

Legends state that Aryans fought with the non-Aryan tribes on the banks of River Saraswati. Lord Vishnu requested Saraswati to disappear underground. Thus, the tribals were deprived of water and were forced to abandon the area. So Saraswati is also known as Prithudhar (subjugator of Aryans). 

River Godavari -  River Godavari is second largest river in India, Godavari is often referred to as the Vriddh (Old) Ganga or the Dakshin (South) Ganga.Godavari is one of the most sacred rivers of India. Every twelve years, Pushkar fair is held on its banks of the river. Thousands of people have a holy dip in the sacred waters of the river to purify themselves of all their sins. Legend has it that Sage Gautama lived on the Brahmagiri Hills at Triambakeshwar with his wife Ahalya. The rishi kept his stock of rice in a granary. Once, a cow entered his granary and ate up the rice. When the rishi tried to ward the cow away with Durbha grass, it fell dead. The rishi wanted to relieve himself of the sin of ‘Gauhatya’. He worshipped Lord Shiva and requested him to bring Ganga to purify his hermitage. Lord Shiva pleased with the rishi appeared as Triambaka and brought along river Ganga. Since Ganga was brought down to Triambakeshwar by Sage Gautama, she is known here as Gautami. She is also known as Godavari because the river helped Sage Gautama to relieve of his sins. 

River Brahmaputra - The Brahmaputra means the "Son of Brahma" and the river rises in Jima Yangzong glacier near Mount Kailash in the northern Himalayas. It enters India in the far eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh after traveling hundreds of miles across Tibet as the River Tsangpo. This is one of the largest rivers of the world and ends in Bay of Bengal. It acts as a good source of water for irrigation, fishing, rituals and for navigation.

According to Kalika Purana, there lived a sage named Shantanu and his wife Amogha. They prayed to Lord Brahma for a son and Lord Brahma impressed with their piety, blessed them with his son whom he wanted to create for the benefit of humanity. Shantanu placed the son - Brahmaputra amidst the holy mountains of Kailash, Gandhamadana, Jarudhi, and Sambaka. Brahmaputra assumed the form of a large mass of water where the Gods and heavenly maidens would have their bath. Thus, Brahmaputra is also a male river.
River Narmada - River Narmada is one of the most sacred rivers in our country and is worshipped as a Goddess. People living along the banks of the river consider her to be holier than the Ganges. Thousands of pilgrims circumambulate the river during the annual Naramada parikrama. There are many thirthas on the banks of the river including famous Maheshwar and Omkareshwar temples. The river is closely associated with Lord Shiva. There are many stories that describe the origin of the river. According to one, the river was formed from the perspiration of Lord Shiva, while performing the tandava (Lord Shiva’s cosmic dance). Naturally formed Shiva lingams or banas are found in the river. These stones are considered very sacred by devout Hindus.Adi Shankaracharya met his guru Govinda Bhagavatpada on the banks of river Narmada. 

River Sindhu - Sindhu in Rig Veda is reffered as one one of the rivers of Sapta Sindhus. The river gots its name of Sindhu or Sindh through which it flows. It is the great river of the world.It originated from the Kailasa mountain near the Mansarovar in Tibet. The basin of this river gave birth to the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. Indus rises in Tibet near the Mansarovar Lake, flows west through Kashmir and Pakistan and then empties itself in Arabian Sea through the Rann of Kutch.River Indus provides the key water source for the economy of India and Pakistan. It is considered auspicious because of the Hindu belief that Aryans settled on the banks of Sindhu and thus, Hinduism started. River Sindhu is one of the foremost rivers to be treated as a male.
River Krishna - River Krishna originates at Mahabaleswar in Maharashtra and meets the sea in the Bay of Bengal at Hamasaladevi in Andhra Pradesh. The traditional source of the river is a spout from the mouth of a statue of a cow in the ancient temple of Mahadev in Mahabaleshwar.

The waters of River Krishna are considered sacred for religious rituals and for releasing ashes of the dead people. The river irrigates a huge land area and makes a fertile delta.

Legends state that the River Krishna is Lord Vishnu himself who turned into a river due to a curse on the Trimurti by Devi Savitri (Goddess Parvati). It is said that its tributaries Venna and Koyana are said to be Siva and Brahma themselves.
River Kaveri - River Kaveri is also known as Cauvery (Lopamudra devi, Brahma's daughter, wife of Agastya Muni).River Kaveri originates at Talakaveri in the Western Ghats, Karnataka. It flows south and across the southern Deccan plateau through the southeastern lowlands. Kaveri makes a huge delta and empties into the Bay of Bengal. The legend of the Cauvery tells the tale of a girl called Lopamudra, the daughter of Brahma. However, Brahma allowed Sage Kavera-muni to adopt her. She resolved to become a river to purify all sins and to obtain blessings for her adoptive father. It is said that even Ganga resorts to going underground once an year to the source of the Kaveri, to purge herself from the pollution contracted from the crowd of sinners who have bathed in her waters.
The Ganges is a place of death and life. Hindus from all over will bring their dead. Whether a body or just ashes, the waters of the Ganga are needed to reach Pitriloka, the World of the Ancestors. Just as in the myth with King Sargas' 60,000 sons who attained heaven by Ganga pouring down her water upon their ashes, so the same waters of Ganga are needed for the dead in the Hindu belief today. Without this, the dead will exist only in a limbo of suffering, and would be troublesome spirits to those still living on earth. The waters of the Ganges are called amrita, the "nectar of immoratality".
Cremation anywhere along the Ganges is desirable. If that is not possible, then the relatives might later bring the ashes of the deceased to the Ganges. Sometimes, if a family cannot afford firewood for cremation, a half-burned corpse is thrown into the water. A verse from the Mahabharata promises, "If only the bone of a person should touch the water of the Ganges, that person shall dwell, honored, in heaven."
For the living, bathing in the Ganges is just as important. Hindus will travel miles and miles to have their sins washed away in these holy waters. For years Hindus have declared that there is nothing quite as cleansing as the living waters of the River of Heaven. This "pure" water is suppose  to wash their sins away.
River Yamuna - River Yamuna is considered one of the most sacred rivers in India after Ganges.Yamuna, according to the legends, was the daughter of Surya, the Sun God, and sister to Yama, the God of Death. Consequently, popular belief is that those who take a dip in its holy waters are not tormented by fears of death.

The river yamuna is intimately connected to Lord Krishna's pastimes. The Lord Krishna sanctified the River Yamuna from the beginning of His transcendental pastimes in the world. While His father Vasudeva was crossing the Yamuna with baby Lord Krishna for a safe place at Gokul on the other bank of the river from Mathura, the Lord fell down in the river, and by the dust of His lotus feet the river at once became sanctified.

Composed by : Amit uniyal

Friday, May 4, 2007

Products used in Tantra

Tantra is commonly thought of as a romantic pratice or as some form of magic. In reality, tantra means a path, technique and method of worship. Tantra is a mystical experience. Tantra is available to all regardless of faith or gender. True tantra has no connection to illicit love life. Tantra means to act in such a regulated way as to bring prakriti, blessings of deities and others under your control. Tantra is a mode of worship that uses mantras, yantra, sadhanas and fire yajnas. This powerful combination can bring about dynamic changes in the individual and their situation.
Tantra can be used to protect yourself or to harm others . Usually one should not try to harm others as it will bring bad karmas and sooner or later the things will return to you.
In tantra , many items are used to gain results and benefits. Some of very sacred tantrik items are :-

Siyar Singhi - Siyar means Jackal, which normally has no horn but when it hoots facing downwards, a small bunch of hair with a horn emerges from his body at the forehead. This is taken for and is called Siyar Singhi. It may be of small, medium and big sizes.To keep Siyar Singhi in the houe, bestow on the person immense wealth. Victory over enemy, Sucess in law suits etc. It protects from Black Magic and evil eye. It is always kept in vermillion (Sindoor), and its hair grows automatically. If one keeps a Siyar Singhi in the house, one is blessed with wealth, one remains fearless of beasts, Ghosts and it provides protection, from enemies and evil spirits and gives success in law suits. Siyar Singhi shall be kept in vermillon and in silver box or case in puja Ghar or locker/ almirah. One shall light incense in front of Siyar Singhi daily. Medium and big size Siyar Singhis are kept in the puja Ghar or on the body. The small sized one is put as a talisman around the neck of adults and children. It is tested article which enables a person to accomplish all his or her goals.
A siyar singhi is not something that one can get easily or buy on internet, its very rare and the ones sold in market are fakes.A real siyar singhi is very soft and when you press it , you will get a feel of pressing a tennis ball, whereas the fakes are very hard and when you try to press these , you will get the feel of pressing a stone. Fakes are available in wholesale market for as low as INR 50/- ( $ 1.25) and sold for as high as INR 1100 - 21000 ( $ 25 - $ 500) . So, my advice to readers is that not get fooled by buying such things on internet as you will end up paying high amount of money for fakes and benefits will be ZERO.

Hatha Jori - is the root of a rare kind of herb found in Madhaya Pradesh(India) in Amar Kantek hills and in the Lumibani valley of Nepal, there are thick forests. In these jungles one can find a plant know as " BIRVAH " which has blue and white coloured flowers and which is similar to the Dhatura plant.If one digs carefully on Sunday, the earth near the roots of this plant Will reveal two small sized branches. At that place one will find branches which look like a hand having fingers or those which look like two hands joined together in prayer. This branch is cut and separated, and is called HATHA JORI in Tantra. Hatha Jodi is small in size about 1.5" - 2.0" and equally broad. One can see two stems joined together distinctly(gives a feel of two hands). After taking it out, it is immersed in Til oil. It is said that Hatha Jodi absorbs about one litre Til oil in a month whereas its weight remains the same. When it stops to absorb oil, it is taken out. After performing Puja, Hatha Jodi is kept in Sindoor(Vermillion). After this, it is used in Tantric sadhanas.
Once again like Siyar singhi, Hatha jori is also super rare and the ones that are sold in market are not even a root of plant, these are bones of animals and reptiles that are sold as Hatha jori by fraud sellers,if you would like to confirm, buy from any seller on internet and go for a labratory test, you will know what it is.
These fake bones (sold as hatha jori) are available in wholesale market for as low as INR 50/- ( $ 1.25) and sold for around INR 1100-2100 ( $ 25-50) . Moreover , wildlife authorities have banned such products even then these sellers are selling bones like anything and to add to that if you will keep such items ( bones ) in your altar (puja ghar) then it will bring bad luck, negative energy as well as spoil the purity of your altar instead of doing any good.So, my advice is that one should not fell in the trap of fraud sellers who promise moon for just $25 ,rest is your will.

Indrajaal - is very rare and of great importance. It can not be found easily and can not be imitated also. Its importance are mentioned in scriptures like Daawaratantra, Vishwasaara, Raavana Samhitaa, etc. It gives many benefits to a person if he keeps it in his house of worship (Poojaa Ghar) getting it tied in a sacred piece of cloth after worshiping it.Its also filled in talismans. In scientific language , its known as Sea fan.These are genuine products available for cheap and can prove very beneficial. One is not allowed to sell these, as these are banned by wildlife authorities in India.

Cat's Chord - is also known as Billi ki jer.When a cat gives birth to kittens, she eats her naval chord immediately, which is what makes this item extremely difficult to procure, but equally useful if preserved. Cat's Chord should be kept in vermillion powder or 'sindoor' in one's office or shop in a cash box. Cats umbilical cord or billi ki jer is one of the mystic secrets of the orients to get help in the crisis, to improve presence of mind and to raise confidence level. Cat's Chord blesses a person with wealth, prosperity, acquisition and accumulation of money, increasing savings and building assets. Cats umbllical chord is used for vashi karan , Anusthan and particularly for acquisition of wealth. This should never be wasted but preserved in the house.If you can really find a real one consider yourself very lucky.
Well, sad to say but again like other sacred tantra items , even fake cat's chord are sold too.In whoelsale market fake cat's chords are available for as low as INR 10/- ( $ 0.24) and are sold for as high as INR 1100 ($ 25) . Beware before buying fakes!

Ekakshi Nariyal - Ekakshi means one eyed.Usually a coconut has three black spots which are consider as two eyes and one mouth but out of millions you will find one coconut which consist of one eye and one mouth hence they are consider as very auspicious and fortunate can be kept in temples, homes, or offices, to solve the financial problem and bring wealth.It is offered to the deity with coin and applying sandal on it on auspicious occasions.A businessman can have his desires and ambitions fulfilled if he keeps an Ekakshi coconut in his cash box or treasury getting it tied in a red pice of cloth. It helps a man earn wealth and prosperity. It has been considered to be the best to have the blessings and benediction of the God. Thus it is very much distinctive. Some sellers sell Tadh fruit as ekakshi nariyal,which are not even coconut.

Laghu Nariyal - Laghu Coconut is a very small coconut, the size of a betel nut with three eyes, and is very rarely found. Laghu coconut is known as the giver of Lakshmi.It bestows wealth and all comfort of life. This is also a TESTED ARTICLE for all luxuries in life.Laghu coconut shall be kept on white cloth in puja Ghar or Wrapped in white cloth, if need to be kept in locker. One shall light incense in front of Laghu Coconut and offer white rice and milk.Laghu coconut is one of the rare puja items which have been used by mankind for its prosperity. It is believed that where this Laghu coconut is placed , Maa Lakshmi resides there permanently.

Tantrik Kauri - Since ancient times the possession of Kauries is considered to bring wealth, all round prosperity and love. Due to this reason it was a part of marriage attire of the brides.These should be kept in cash box and in almiras where jewels, financial papers or jewelry is kept. This brings financial prosperity and protects the owner from a financial debacle.Those who want stable financial position should keep a Kauries under their pillow. During the Smudra Manthan – the great churning of the sea – one of the things which came out was shanks (The holy shells). These are considered holy by the Hindus since vedic times and all religious ceremonies have a special place for them.Some Indian also worship these as these resemble shape of yoni - the female genital organ.As per Hindu mythology, "Kauri" was obtained from "Samudra Manthan" along with "Lakshmi" and other rare divine and holy products. From a very ancient time "Kauri" was used as the currency and then was used in the ornaments and also used as the key of gambling. As per Hindu Shastras, "Kauri" is said to be the loving product of "Maha Lakshmi". It is also related to Lord Shiva because the hairs of Lord Shiva are similar to "Kauri". Indians also use "Kauri" to decorate Nandi, the devotee of Lord Shiva. It is also said to be a great tool to save the children from devil effects.

Swetark Ganpati - The Sidh Swetark Ganapati is obtained from the root of a shrub called Ark or Aak and this root takes the shape of Lord Ganesha. This lucky charm blesses the individual with blessings from Shiva and Ganesha, gives knowledge and concentration power, maintains harmony in family life, eliminates illnesses, activates positive vibrations in the house and brings wealth and prosperity. Idol of Shwetark is lord of Ridhi-Siddhi. Those who to keep this idol of Ganesh in their homes enjoy the presence of Devi Laxmi. No enemy can harm them. It is said that. Jap of Moolamantra of Lord Ganesh before this idol ensures His darshan.This white tree of Aak is considered to be a form of lord Ganesh. So the houses having august presence of the white Aak can't have damaging effect of any enemy. Idol of lord Ganesh made of white Aak is considered to be rare. It is also said that houses with such an idol can never have any hardship or insufficiency. One can get rid off so many types of fevers if he or she wears root of Aak extracted in Ravi-Pushya Yoga. This treatment should be done early in the morning without having a word with anyone. The root must be made sacred (Abhimantrit) by the Moolamantra of Lord Ganesh before wearing it. To cure ailment of an eye one should keep cotton soaked in milk of white aak, on the thumb of the foot opposite the oiling eye.

Haridra Ganpati - is made out of Turmeric root and considered very lucky and auspicious.The one who do upasane & puja of Haridra ganapati idol is blessed with success in his work, business, undertaking & desires. Ganesh puja is must before starting any work.It is most auspicious. The sadhaka is blessed with success in his work, business, undertaking and desires. Ganesh puja can be performed through idol.This Ganesha can be kept in cash box, place of business transactions,almirah etc for wealth luck and smooth business.

Chirmi Beads - Chirmi beads are found growing in the forests of Aravali Mountains in India. They are believed to be hundreds of years old. It is said that the bead selects its owner and will never stay with an unlucky person.The Chirmi beads are used to ward off evil, bring good luck and ward off physical harm. They are said to symbolize Goddess Lakshmi and so are kept in lockers, money boxes or purses.Chirmi beads comes in white, red and black colour representing Maa Saraswati, Maa Mahalakshmi and Maa Kali.

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